Hi parents! This one’s for you. We know that you have been struggling with the sudden change of teleworking. To be honest, just like online schooling for your children, this is not for everyone. We know you enjoyed your office atmosphere. We know you miss being able to sit in a conference with your coworkers without your adorable child popping in to ask for a snack.

These past few months have been an awakening for everyone. Our society has been shaken up and turned upside down. Everyone is trying to pick up the pieces and juggle a full load of work, a full load of laundry, and a full load of childcare.

Even with the help of your dear nanny, these days can seem long and challenging. You are frustrated because your child keeps disrupting your work. Your nanny is frustrated because they feel they don’t have control over the situation. Your child is frustrated because they can’t go to the zoo! Take all that frustration in one home and there is bound to be, well… an explosion. We have compiled some great tips on how you and your nanny can effectively work from home together and begin to have joy filled days! 

Communicate Communicate Communicate 

We cannot stress this one enough. That is why it’s #1. It is important to have strong communication with your nanny on a standard basis, but communication is key at this time. Your nanny may not know that you don’t want your child coming to visit you between the hours of 8am-5pm. You may not know that your nanny feels she must give in to your child’s demands to visit their parents when they please. It is important to sit and talk with each other about how these situations need to be handled. Contradicting each other could cause major confusion for your child and it is crucial that you and your nanny are on the same page.

Set up a Personal Workspace

If you don’t have a designated office space in your home, we encourage you to pick a space that is separate from where the children and nanny play. Please understand that it will be impossible for your nanny to keep your child quiet while staying at home. If you are working on your laptop in the living room, this could be problematic. Perhaps you can set up a temporary work space in your bedroom or a spare guest room. A place where you can shut a door and be out of your child’s eye line is vital to them understanding what you mean when you say, “Mommy needs to go to work now.” This also cuts down on interruptions during your meetings and helps set up clear boundaries. 

Set up Clear Boundaries

Creating clear boundaries is extremely important when working from home. Many parents enjoy working from home, because they get to spend time with their children throughout the day. They may even have the pleasure of having lunch with their children. However, all of this must be planned and communicated to your nanny. One tiny thing, like a parent entering the room during an activity with the nanny could unravel the day. Have you noticed that your children behave completely different for your nanny? Have you noticed that the melt downs typically occur when you come down the stairs at the end of the day or at even at lunch? We recommend texting your nanny before coming down so that she can take the children outside or to a different room to deter any tantrums or confusion.

Give your Nanny Your Daily Schedule 

This could be extremely helpful to everyone in the home. Nannies, as a whole, pride themselves on being prepared in all situations. Give them the opportunity to be prepared while you are teleworking. By providing your schedule to your nanny, you are allowing them to know when appropriate times are for certain activities. Maybe you have an important conference call at 11am. If your nanny sees this, she will try her best to schedule a quiet or outdoor activity. Ask your nanny if you may join them for lunch, or let her know you won’t be taking lunch until your child is down for a nap. Saying these things to your nanny and in front of your child allows your child to see that it is still up to their nanny to decide how their day will go. 

Remember, this is Your Nanny’s Job

Your nanny has been with your family for a while. They know how to cure your child’s boo boo, and when is the best time to get the laundry done. We know it is hard to not jump in and lend a hand when your child and nanny are struggling, but trust us, they’ve got this. Your nanny has handled tantrums, potty training, and sibling rivalry without any help. They know what they are doing, so just try your best to step back and allow them to handle the situation. If you would like to offer a few suggestions, do so after this issue has passed and things have calmed down. Again, this shows your children that the nanny is clearly in charge during your working hours and will help everyone involved in the long run.

Many companies are opting in to let their employees telecomute long term. This is going to shift things for parents, children and nannies all over the world. We hope these tips help start this new adventure off with success. We believe in you!