Household Staffing Process

Looking to put your expertise, talent, and passion for caregiving to use with incredible families? At Family First, we know finding the perfect fit can be challenging. That’s why we take great strides in being an agency that advocates for our candidates and families equally. Just as we evaluate you as a candidate for families who are looking for the value that your skills can bring to their lives, we in turn evaluate families through an extensive interview process. We work to ensure that all of our candidates are employed in safe home environments where mutual respect is a top priority. We also communicate the need for a positive work life balance with our families. As a placed candidate, you’ll be entitled to varying benefits which include, but are not limited to, paid time off (PTO), sick days, guaranteed hours, and paid major holidays.

Step One
Click the “Apply Now” button below!
This button will take you to an on-line form (with a handy qualification checklist at the top) that lets you upload required documents and your headshot. You’ll also be asked a series of questions that allow us to fully understand your skills, relevant experience and a bit of your personality. Be as detailed as possible; we’ll use these answers to match you with the perfect family. We know it’s a lot but those who take the time to complete it in full with thoughtfulness truly do stand out to us!

Step Two
The Follow-Up Call
Once our team reviews your application, documents, and references, we’ll contact you to set up an interview via phone call. We’ll be asking you some additional questions but be prepared to ask a few of your own towards the end of the interview! We’ll contact you following this call if we believe you could be a potential fit for one of our current or future families for a second interview via Zoom.

Step Three
The CEO Interview
We’re a thorough agency, which means our CEO is no stranger to our vetting process. In fact, your interview with Family First CEO, Leigh Aberle, is a crucial step in your application. Following this interview, if we mutually feel it’s a great idea to have you on board at our agency we’ll move on to the next step!

Step Four
Start Your Interviews!
As a candidate through Family First, we’ll only send your profile to families that both you and our team feel you’d make the perfect fit with. If your particular set of skills or experience piques a family employer’s interest, we’ll be in contact with both parties to set up an interview. Just be yourself (we tell the families the same thing)!

Step Five
Get Hired!
We’re proud of our success rate in matching the perfect caregiving candidates with the perfect care-needing families. If you’re a match, you’ll hear from a Family First team member on behalf of the employing family with an offer.

Step Six
Final Steps!
If you are offered a position, we’ll gather any necessary information from you in order to conduct a thorough background check through a third-party agency. Once your background check is completed, and the offer letter with your new match is signed you’ll start your new journey!