Dr. Lucreita Berry, of Brownicity, has just released a new children’s activity book called “Hues of You”  which allows children to engage in healthy, productive conversations about different cultures and skin tones in a fun, engaging, and otherwise colorful way. “Hues of you” is designed for caregivers AND children. The first few pages of this activity book are equipped with tools for caregivers on how to address conversations and questions that may arise as your child freely explores “Hues of You”. We were lucky enough to get our hands on a copy of this fun book and have Dr. Lucretia Berry herself answer some of our questions! 

“Hues Of You” provides readers with vocabulary, definitions, and real life explanations for the burning questions inside a little heads mind, like, “why do we say black and white when we are not actually black or white” or “why is my skin lighter than theirs”? The explanations provided throughout this book are easy and digestible enough for both adults and children to understand and begin to use accurately in their daily lives. 

After caregivers read the tips and definitions provided in the first few pages, it is up to the child to get started by using skin tone colors (crayons or markers) and creating a Skin Tone Spectrum, renaming all their chosen colors with words that are positive and personal to them. I named some of my colors “Warm Bread, “Fall Leaves,” and “Granola,” some of my favorite things! It is important that names of colors be personal and recognizable to the child, as they are used throughout the book. Let them do this part on their own and be as imaginative and creative as possible! 

Allow kids to express their creativity when naming colors!

“Hues of You” is split into four main sections-Hues of You, Hues of Your Family, Hues of Your Ancestors, and Hues of Your Friends- which evoke children to take a wider look at themselves, their family, friends, and past. With journal prompts and coloring pages throughout, “Hues of You” is guaranteed to keep your child engaged while providing them with understanding and support in a sometimes confusing world. 

Maggie’s Self Portrait, acne and all, because we are real and unique!

Interview with Dr. Lucretia Berry: 

Maggie: What age group is this activity book designed for? 

Dr. Berry: Pre-school to 4th/5th grade. Adults find it helpful as well because it gives them language and understanding that they did not get when they were young. 

Maggie: What is the goal of “Hues of You”?

Dr. Berry: To empower learners with understanding, language, and a framework to embrace, appreciate, normalize and honor the diversity within our humanity. 

Maggie: How, if at all,  do you think this resource can be utilized in schools (classrooms, guidance centers, etc)?

Dr. Berry: Teachers can use this during week zero of the school year to build connection, competence, and confidence among students in the classroom. It is essential for interracial, multiethnic, multicultural spaces (classrooms, homes, churches). It fosters a foundation based on a common understanding. The book features questions that kids have asked me (in their classrooms, workshops, and in public). Children are curious, but typically adults are not teaching and talking about differences in phenotype, culture, ethnicity in ways that are positive and healthy. 

To learn more about “Hues of You”, Brownicity, and Dr. Lucretia Berry, please visit her website

You can purchase “Hues of You” at a preferred retailer below: